
  • CROs investing in 'soft skills' to better manage stakeholders

    28 October 2015

    EY survey reveals more investment is directed at people than IT

  • Carney hints at Solvency II gold-plating

    23 October 2015

    BoE must retain flexibility to impose high standards on insurers, governor says

  • Picky cedants add to reinsurers' troubles

    19 October 2015

    Sector faces heightened competition in 2016, says S&P

  • EU and US insurers urge TTIP negotiators to discuss insurance

    15 October 2015

    Push for inclusion ahead of 11th round of talks

  • Life insurers in four countries most at risk of lower profits

    13 October 2015

    Moody's says firms in Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Taiwan are under most pressure

  • Insurers risk "huge" losses on stranded assets, Carney says

    30 September 2015

    Heightened capital requirements for high-carbon investments ruled out

  • EU data breach law puts risk managers on edge

    29 September 2015

    The EU is debating laws that would force companies to report data breaches within 72 hours of detection. Asa Gibson asks what this means for insurers

  • Ageas reveals Solvency II position

    29 September 2015

    Belgian insurer updates on internal model application and questions popularity of transitional measures

  • Focus on too-big-to-fail and you won't see the next crisis coming

    28 September 2015

    Allianz's Wemmer urges regulators to take an activity-based approach to tackle systemic risk

  • Eiopa sets standard for group solvency calculations in context of equivalence

    25 September 2015

    EU insurers should meet highest capital requirement in equivalent third-countries