Rothesay Life and Vestey agree £115m bulk annuity deal
22 January 2013Goldman Sachs' insurance arm wrote over £1bn of new bulk annuity business in 2012
Skilled people leaving banking for insurance
21 January 2013Optimism and profitability also up for UK life and general insurance, PwC and CBI survey finds
SunGard updates Prophet with analytics and tables modules
17 January 2013Developments should help insurers realise value from Solvency II
Aviva welcomes RPI decision
15 January 2013Key measure of UK inflation was left unchanged
2013: the ERM challenges ahead
08 January 2013Leading consultants and CROs say getting the most out of Solvency II implementation will be a big challenge for 2013, but other aspects of ERM will reappear on the agenda, as will the necessity of keeping ERM at the heart of business. Here is a compilation of responses to the questions InsuranceERM asked experts just before Christmas