Delta Lloyd poaches rival's chief risk officer
24 February 2015Mijer-Nienhuis joins from NN to oversee transition to Solvency II
Just Retirement bulks up on annuity deals
24 February 2015Solvency II work focuses on internal model
UK to require pre-approval for six NED roles
23 February 2015Regulators lay out plans for approved persons regime
Supervisory colleges ignoring non-internal model groups
23 February 2015Eiopa generally satisfied with development of colleges
Standard Life's regulatory surplus slumps
20 February 2015Acquisition of asset manager and call of bond weigh on available capital
Commission sets timeline for Solvency II equivalence decisions
20 February 2015Delegated acts to be published in two batches
Australian insurers declare catastrophe following cyclone Marcia
20 February 2015Country also hit by cyclone Lam
US insurers gauge vulnerability to soaring rates
20 February 2015Lapse risk higher for annuity providers with old books of business
Tough battle ahead for global capital standards
19 February 2015The response of US state insurance regulators to the IAIS consultation on the insurance capital standard sheds light over hurdles on the way of a global compromise. Hugo Coelho reports
Aegon withholds capital in anticipation of Solvency II
19 February 2015US equivalence and impact of matching and volatility adjusters blamed for guarded stance