Manulife's Rahim Hirji: shifting from hedging to growth
23 January 2013Risk management is no longer about policing an insurance company, says Rahim Hirji, chief risk officer at Canada's Manulife Financial. He talks to Lorna Davies about changing regulations, market concerns and the development of the CRO
NAIC appoints Nebraska senator as CEO
22 January 2013Ben Nelson replaces Terri Vaughan
Eiopa details plans for 2013
22 January 2013Another QIS "if required" by trialogue parties
Rothesay Life and Vestey agree £115m bulk annuity deal
22 January 2013Goldman Sachs' insurance arm wrote over £1bn of new bulk annuity business in 2012
CRO Forum elects Vet as vice-chairman
22 January 2013Takes over from Cole who is now chairman
Africa offers insurance growth opportunity
21 January 2013Largest markets saw premium increase to $60.7bn in 2011, says AM Best
PIC signs second Cookson deal
21 January 2013Covers £30m of pensioner liabilities for Vesuvius
Skilled people leaving banking for insurance
21 January 2013Optimism and profitability also up for UK life and general insurance, PwC and CBI survey finds
Actuaries would "face ridicule" in considering climate change
18 January 2013Resource constraint could dramatically shift assumptions about economic growth, says Actuarial Profession report
RPI decision adds £20bn to FTSE 350 pension scheme deficits
18 January 2013Correction in pricing impacts health of defined benefit schemes, says Mercer