PRA "not looking for early implementation of Solvency II"
21 October 2013UK's prudential regulator issues consultation on preparation guidelines
S&P warns against slowing ERM in light of Solvency II delay
21 October 2013Response is indicative of which insurers take ERM seriously, rating agency says
Prudential Financial accepts US SIFI designation
21 October 2013Joins AIG on "too big to fail" list
Conning updates risk management software
18 October 2013Version 6.1 has enhancements for Asian users
The technologies reshaping insurance
18 October 2013The insurance industry doesn't often evoke science fiction. But recent technological advances have been so drastic they could have leapt from the pages of Isaac Asimov. Sarfraz Thind reports
IAIS releases second ComFrame draft
18 October 2013Public consultation open until 16 December
Aon develops Colorado flood model
17 October 2013Scenario model quantifies potential for flood losses in the US state
S&P upgrades Uniqa
17 October 2013Austrian insurer has improved capital adequacy
Hannover Re incurs €64m loss from hailstorm Andreas
17 October 2013Industry losses estimated at €2.5bn
Swiss Re to acquire stake in FWD Group
16 October 2013Swiss reinsurer will invest up to $425m into the Asian insurance business