Solvency II driving European reinsurance buying
24 October 2013Life insurers are increasing their reinsurance to meet capital requirements
Low-cost modelling platform claims "ground breaking" computation speeds
24 October 2013Marriott Sinclair's Tyche takes advantage of parallel processing
Efficient asset allocation with least squares Monte Carlo
23 October 2013Traditional methods of allocating assets fall short in several key aspects. In this paper, Romain Lombardo and Alexis Bailly show how the LSMC approach can be used to optimise asset allocation for insurers in a Solvency II world
Solvency II still a factor in M&A activity
23 October 2013Despite Western Europe being least attractive region, says survey
Goldman Sachs sells majority stake in Rothesay Life
22 October 2013Blackstone, GIC and MassMutual buy into pensions insurer
Supervisors failing to adhere to basic principles
22 October 2013"Heavy content" of Insurance Core Principles partly to blame
PRA "not looking for early implementation of Solvency II"
21 October 2013UK's prudential regulator issues consultation on preparation guidelines
S&P warns against slowing ERM in light of Solvency II delay
21 October 2013Response is indicative of which insurers take ERM seriously, rating agency says
Prudential Financial accepts US SIFI designation
21 October 2013Joins AIG on "too big to fail" list
Conning updates risk management software
18 October 2013Version 6.1 has enhancements for Asian users