
  • Europe consults on catastrophe insurance plan

    17 April 2013

    Asks if market for disaster insurance needs improving

  • Lloyd's joins CRO Forum

    17 April 2013

    Sean McGovern to represent market

  • A strategy to suit each point in the insurance cycle

    17 April 2013

    Choosing a strategy to cope with the ups and downs of the business cycle has been an enduring quest for insurers. Alice Underwood and Dave Ingram offer a solution

  • Aspen Re launches capital markets division

    16 April 2013

    Brian Tobben appointed managing director

  • Obama administration moots Nafta insurance agreement

    16 April 2013

    Seen as building North American coalition for talks on international regulations

  • UK inflation pushes pension liabilities up by 20%

    16 April 2013

    Latest figures released from ONS

  • Ace launches $95m sidecar

    16 April 2013

    To raise capital for reinsurance operations

  • Mutuals can be reinsurers' preferred customers

    15 April 2013

    As larger commercial buyers reduce use of reinsurance, says Willis Re

  • PRA will consult with industry on "comply or explain" decision for SII guidelines

    15 April 2013

    Plenary session to provide feedback in late May

  • South Africa's SAM regime delayed again

    12 April 2013

    Solvency II-like directive has technical issues