EU Parliament urges Council to stop stalling on Solvency II
11 June 2013Impending end of current parliamentary term threatens progress on financial markets reforms
Axis Re launches weather risk desk
11 June 2013Edgar Bautista and Sandeep Ramachandran appointed as co-heads
Insured losses from German flood to reach €2.5bn-3bn
11 June 2013But impact on insurers' credit profiles "should be minimal", says Fitch
Tokio and GC Securities launch cat bond platform
10 June 2013Aims to reach smaller buyers of excess-of-loss catastrophe reinsurance
Shaun Wang joins Geneva Association
10 June 2013Former GSU professor to head think-tank's research
Prophet to interface with GEMS
10 June 2013SunGard's modelling software connects with Conning's economic scenario generator
Model validation is a question of trust
07 June 2013It shouldn't just be about satisfying the regulators, argue Mike Wilkinson and Patricia Mackenzie. Models should be validated by developing management trust in them and embedding them in the business. The delay in Solvency II gives more opportunity to do this
PRA appoints Prettejohn to board
07 June 2013Will resign from L&G's board before taking up post
Austrian insurer licenses Conning ESG
07 June 2013Uniqa Group takes GEMS to support modelling with LSMC
XL Group's McGavick to chair Geneva Association
06 June 2013Nikolaus von Bomhard steps down after reaching four-year limit