US insurers set out worries about group capital requirement
04 April 2016Industry calls for clarity about ability of commissioners to act on the calculations
Andreas Kull appointed CRO at Tokio Millennium Re
01 April 2016Akira Higuma will return to Japan as group's global risk management leader
PRA proposes 'effective value' metric for equity-release mortgages under MA
01 April 2016Part of UK supervisor's wider consultation on asset class
Eiopa rules out single internal model indicator
01 April 2016Ongoing appropriateness indicators might not be disclosed
RMS to launch marine cargo cat model
31 March 2016Tianjin and Hurricane Sandy losses underline need for risk management
Flood Re gets regulator's seal of approval
31 March 2016Scheme will be in effect from 1 April, going live on 4 April
Gable Insurance falls short on solvency capital
31 March 2016European non-life firm has until 2018 to comply
MetLife wins court ruling over systemic risk tag
30 March 2016Stock price jumps as insurer avoids higher capital requirements
Mutuals blame rating agencies for soaring Solvency II costs
30 March 2016Amice calls for amendment to reduce reliance on external ratings
Global catastrophes inflict $37bn industry losses
30 March 2016Relatively low insured losses in 2015 despite record year for natural disasters