
  • Sylvia Cronin on the difficulties facing Irish insurers

    11 January 2016

    The pile of reporting templates will put the industry to test, says Irish supervisor

  • Floods inflict £1.3bn losses on UK insurers

    11 January 2016

    Average payout for each domestic claim expected to be £50,000, says ABI

  • First risk-free rate term structure of the Solvency II era available

    08 January 2016

    Eiopa provides information relevant to the calculation of December's liabilities

  • Numerix expands real-world coverage in CrossAsset

    08 January 2016

    Hull-White and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross 2-factor models introduced

  • Kevin Borrett on the faults of the matching adjustment

    08 January 2016

    Lobbying to include morbidity risk products in the list of eligible products for the adjustment is a priority for 2016, says Unum's chief risk officer

  • KBC boasts of "well above average" Solvency II capitalisation

    08 January 2016

    Belgian insurer reports 242% coverage ratio under the standard formula

  • Optimising model capabilities

    Moody's Analytics explains how its software and services can help insurers with their solvency monitoring, reporting and stress-testing requirements in Solvency II

  • Arming insurers for Solvency II and beyond

    The pressures that Solvency II puts on risk and capital modelling are manifest: more information is required within shrinking deadlines, it has to be communicated better and it must be produced with more rigorous governance. FIS explains how its Prophet solution is helping actuaries and risk professionals deliver

  • A holistic approach

    A multi-disciplinary approach is the key to good data management, says MBE, whose unique and innovative business structure has helped clients prepare for the stringent requirements of the Solvency II regime and beyond

  • Time to move forwards

    Milliman's Neil Cantle explains how insurers have responded to Solvency II and how they can leverage their new skills to prosper in a fast-moving world