Group capital, PBR and big data top agenda at US regulators' gathering
29 March 2016NAIC spring meeting kicks off on Sunday in New Orleans
German life sector at the mercy of UFR reduction
29 March 2016Failure of smaller firms could inflict reputational damage for German market
Eiopa argues against macro regime to deal with low rates
24 March 2016Cites insufficient evidence of need
US on countdown for 'right size' reserves reform
24 March 2016At least 10 insurers are participating in a pilot programme on principles-based reserving, as the regulation edges closer to a 2017 launch
Phoenix drops Bermudian captive reinsurer in Solvency II restructuring
23 March 2016Brings £1.4bn in liabilities back to UK and reinsures with third-party
Brexit risks "manageable" for UK insurers
23 March 2016Loss of EU passporting rights poses greatest threat to the industry, says Moody's
Manulife's chief actuary takes analytics role
22 March 2016Cindy Forbes to become insurer's first chief analytics officer
Helvetia licenses Deloitte's ESG
22 March 2016Swiss insurer will use XSG for liability valuation
ReMetrica adds PPO analysis tool
22 March 2016Will help understand motor injury claims, says Aon
Regulatory capital top driver of EU reinsurance buying
21 March 2016US firms more concerned with rating agency capital, says Willis Re