
  • De Castries to step down from Axa

    21 March 2016

    Buberl becomes chief executive, Duverne takes over as chairman

  • Generali's solvency capital dominated by investment risks

    18 March 2016

    Insurer risk-weights sovereign bonds in internal model

  • Eiopa's Bernardino: We will see if a countercyclical requirement makes sense for insurers

    17 March 2016

    In the second part of an interview with Hugo Coelho, the Eiopa chairman responds to the ESRB report and sets expectations about the looming reviews of Solvency II

  • Reinsurers will probably avoid a G-Sii designation

    17 March 2016

    Standard & Poor's argues reinsurers are not systemic and unlikely to face the HLA

  • L&G has £10bn pipeline of bulk annuity deals

    17 March 2016

    Announces first UK deal of 2016, a £330m pension buy-in

  • MEPs sanction cut in Solvency II's infrastructure asset charges

    17 March 2016

    No objections raised in extended scrutiny period

  • Delta Lloyd allies with Fubon to avoid capital crisis

    16 March 2016

    Rights issue takes another twist as investor makes U-turn

  • UK budget slashes insurers' benefit from accounting losses

    16 March 2016

    Possible impact on profits and capital base, says Mazars

  • Munich Re posts 302% Solvency II ratio

    16 March 2016

    Plans to return excess capital to shareholders

  • L&G targets MA approval for growing equity release portfolio

    15 March 2016

    Insurer disappoints market with 169% Solvency II ratio