
  • Standard Life CEO Nish steps down

    19 June 2015

    Appointment of Keith Skeoch completes firm's transition to asset management

  • US ORSA comes to life

    19 June 2015

    Before the end of the year, large US insurers will submit an ORSA report to supervisors. This represents a step change for the industry, but is likely to be just the beginning of a broader process of transformation, Hugo Coelho reports

  • 'The insurance market will look very different in 2020' - PwC

    18 June 2015

    Changing demographics, consumer expectations and profusion of data to fuel change

  • French insurers gauge resilience to low rates in ORSA exercise

    18 June 2015

    Regulators wait for stress test results to decide on prudential actions

  • Solvency II transitionals fuel subordinated debt issuance

    17 June 2015

    PRA's hardnosed approach kept UK insurers away from debt rush

  • Insurers' growth inhibited by a failure to innovate

    17 June 2015

    Almost half of insurers have no formal innovation strategy, says KPMG

  • Fed meets industry halfway on capital standard

    17 June 2015

    Federal requirements to be built on existing state-based system

  • PRA slams 'stress testing' in ORSA draft reports

    16 June 2015

    Forward looking assessments are another area of weakness

  • EU data protection rules jeopardise fraud and risk assessment

    16 June 2015

    Current proposals have negative implications for insurers, says Insurance Europe

  • Keeping faith in credit ratings

    16 June 2015

    Insurers can no longer blindly trust credit ratings, but must have frameworks to assess the suitability of both internal and external ratings. Sarah Wall explains what is required