
  • Munich Re poaches Prudential's Sharpe

    28 May 2015

    Appointed chief risk officer for life reinsurance in UK, Asia, Australia and Africa

  • Tying federal regulators in knots

    28 May 2015

    Insurers are increasing their lobbying efforts as legislation advances through Congress that is designed to limit the discretion of federal regulators in designating systemic firms and devising capital standards. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Fitch launches factor-based capital model in Asia

    28 May 2015

    Model gives comparable capital score irrespective of accounting differences

  • BaFin head warns of regulatory impact on products

    27 May 2015

    Some could be killed off by too many rules

  • MassMutual promotes ERM expert

    27 May 2015

    Brad Hoffman becomes SVP reporting to Betsy Ward

  • PRA warns against last-minute tinkering with internal models

    26 May 2015

    Insurers could be forced to re-submit applications if alterations are deemed substantial

  • Balbinot re-elected as president of Insurance Europe

    26 May 2015

    Calls on regulators to take concrete steps on capital rules for long-term investments

  • Axa to move out of coal-related investments

    26 May 2015

    CEO also criticises regulation for deterring long-term investment

  • Smarter technology calls for smarter thinking

    26 May 2015

    Recent advancements in consumer electronics have served both as a source of fascination and a source for concern in the boardrooms. Insurers should avoid getting lost in apps and gadgets and instead identify how technology can be leveraged to add value, says Torbjörn Magnusson

  • Restrict look-through in Solvency II reporting, ABI urges

    25 May 2015

    UK insurance association responds to regulator on materiality question