
  • "Race to the bottom will kill internal models" – Bernardino

    24 April 2015

    Eiopa to develop indicators of ongoing appropriateness of internal models

  • Morgan Stanley downgrades European insurance sector

    24 April 2015

    Concerns grow about impact of low bond yields

  • Thomas Béhar and Andrew Smith named as IFoA honorary fellows

    23 April 2015

    Karel Goossens and Dave Pelletier also elected

  • Demystifying emerging risk

    23 April 2015

    The elusiveness and unpredictability of emerging risks can often discourage efforts to manage them. Adam Seager suggests a pathway through the wilderness

  • Solvency II's level playing field 'a long way off'

    23 April 2015

    But will bring consistent view of capital and risk, says Bernstein

  • Lottery broker completes Gibraltar's first ILS transaction

    23 April 2015

    British overseas territory seeks to establish itself as ILS jurisdiction

  • Fitch: German insurers can ride out low rates for another decade

    23 April 2015

    Rating agency gauges vulnerability of the industry

  • European Commission gets green light negotiate US reinsurance deal

    22 April 2015

    Could remove hurdle to Solvency II equivalence

  • CBI: Stress tests in the ORSA not realistic

    21 April 2015

    Irish supervisor gives feedback on own risk assessment draft reports

  • Data is the key to Solvency II USPs

    21 April 2015

    The use of undertaking specific parameters can significantly reduce Solvency II capital requirements, so long as insurers can produce high quality data, say Dale Lee and Claire Briggs