"A big shift towards insurers focusing on customer outcomes"
02 January 2014PwC's Jonathan Howe recalls the major talking points of 2013 and sets out insurers' challenges for 2014
"The best development of 2013 was increasing regulatory certainty"
01 January 2014Towers Watson's Mike Wilkinson shares his thoughts on 2013 and what to look forward to in 2014
Australian life insurers' profits sink
31 December 2013Profits fall despite steady premium increases
Property cat reinsurance renewal rates fall 11%
30 December 2013Pricing dropped across all major territories for first time in over a decade, according to Guy Carpenter
PRA seeks support for Solvency II implementation
30 December 2013UK regulator has approached consultancies for help over next two years
Germany to comply with all Solvency II preparation guidelines
30 December 2013BaFin plans introduction in three phases
"EU insurers looking to sell or de-risk life businesses"
27 December 2013Marc Beckers of Aon Benfield Analytics comments on events of the last 12 months and what 2014 has in store
"The year regulatory capital was de-emphasised"
24 December 2013Milliman's Neil Cantle and Elliot Varnell share their thoughts on 2013 and prospects for 2014
Scor renews contingent capital facility with UBS
23 December 2013French reinsurer will issue new shares in the event of major catastrophe
AM Best holds ratings on insurers with excess US terrorism exposure
20 December 2013Uncertain future for US terrorism risk insurance programme