The unresolved issues of Solvency II
21 February 2013The delay of full implementation to beyond 2014 will allow extra time for important details in all three pillars of Solvency II to be resolved – and may bring old niggles to the surface again. Lorna Davies looks into some of the outstanding issues, for policy-makers and insurers, that will be kicked over in the coming months
FSA's Bailey bemoans "shocking cost" of Solvency II
08 February 2013With-profits policies will be big challenge for UK's prudential regulator
Regulators and industry carp at IAIS over G-SIIs
08 January 2013Proposals need "substantial refinement", says BaFin
Early pillar 3 reporting would be unnecessary burden
21 December 2012ABI urges practical solution to Solvency II implementation