
  • Aon Benfield relaunches VA hedging unit

    11 February 2015

    PathWise Solutions Group to offer high-speed analysis

  • Solvency II equivalence under threat

    06 February 2015

    Europe's politicians are demanding a greater say in which countries can be deemed equivalent to Solvency II, amid fears that the European Commission is not moving fast enough with decisions that are crucial to insurers worldwide. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Flood simulations inundate the cat modelling scene

    27 January 2015

    Flood models feature heavily in the release plans of catastrophe modelling companies. Christopher Cundy talks to the main providers about their 2015 schedules.

  • Aon adds life, health and pensions capabilities to ReMetrica

    19 January 2015

    Brings stochastic modelling to life insurers and pension funds

  • Industry poised for "fundamental change" says Guy Carpenter

    08 January 2015

    Consolidation of larger players beckons

  • Reinsurance pricing continues to slide

    07 January 2015

    Record capacity and benign loss experience mean no respite

  • US cold snap to cost hundreds of millions

    05 December 2014

    Aon Benfield suggests Brisbane bill may also grow

  • IERM comment: whose capital is it anyway?

    30 October 2014

    The rise in popularity of third-party capital in the insurance arena raises interesting questions for regulators

  • Risk of Asian flood losses widespread says Guy Carpenter

    30 October 2014

    Population concentration in flood-prone areas increasing risk

  • Full steam ahead for Solvency II technology implementation

    28 October 2014

    The heat is on insurers to make their technology work in a fast-paced and regulation-bound environment, as Christopher Cundy surveys the scene in his introduction to the InsuranceERM Technology Guide 2014-15