
  • Merging supervisory authorities could put insurance expertise at risk, lobby group warns

    16 May 2017

    Eiopa should not be granted new powers at this stage, says Insurance Europe

  • Commission considers granting Eiopa powers to approve internal models

    22 March 2017

    Merger between Eiopa and banking authority contemplated

  • European supervisors set out to tackle conduct risk

    30 April 2015

    Keeping pace with digitisation a concern

  • The threat from cyber: Are insurers heading for a meltdown?

    05 January 2015

    The recent establishment of a dedicated cyber insurance agency in London by former US homeland security secretary Tom Ridge demonstrates its growing popularity. But as the prevalence of recent high-profile hacking incidents demonstrates, this is not a class without its dangers, as Marcus Alcock investigates

  • Eiopa budgets €1.5m for XBRL data hub

    14 October 2013

    But occupational pensions, not Solvency II, will be focus in 2014

  • Single EU financial market at risk of fragmentation

    12 April 2013

    Joint committee of supervisors urge policy-makers to coordinate on cross-sectoral risks

  • Norwegian life firms stunned by mortality rate revision

    25 March 2013

    Share prices fall and ratings agency issues warning

  • European risk database planned for 2013

    17 January 2013

    ESAs will focus on consumer protection and risk analysis