
  • Eiopa puts insurance resolution back on the agenda

    23 September 2016

    Authority to consult on minimum harmonisation of tools and powers before year-end

  • Stress tests look "unreal" but are justified, says Zweimueller

    09 September 2016

    Head of regulations at Eiopa responds to industry's criticism

  • Commission stands in the way of UFR reduction

    05 July 2016

    Stakeholders are sidestepping Eiopa and turning to Brussels in a bid to preserve the Solvency II long-term discount rate. Hugo Coelho reports

  • InsuranceERM's Most Influential 2016 revealed

    19 April 2016

    Who's leading the direction of risk and capital management?

  • Life insurers have become more systemic, says IMF

    05 April 2016

    Global financial stability report calls for macroprudential framework

  • ESRB approves adverse scenarios for insurance stress tests

    29 March 2016

    Impact of prolonged low interest rate scenario and rapidly widening spreads under assessment

  • Eiopa's stress tests expand to 75% of EU market

    08 March 2016

    Sectors most vulnerable to low interest rates come under the spotlight

  • Are Belgian life insurance lapses lethal?

    03 March 2016

    EU regulators have warned that surrenders are creating liquidity risk for the Belgian life insurance sector, but is there more to the scary headline figures? Hugo Coelho reports

  • France decries one-year time horizon of Solvency II stresses

    12 February 2016

    Responses to European Commission's call for evidence on financial regulation review published

  • BoE mulls countercyclical regulatory tool for insurers

    04 February 2016

    Lack of instruments in Solvency II to address system-wide crisis brought up in response to European Commission