Insurance Europe insists on cut in charges for long-term investments
19 January 2015Delegated act was published on 17 January
Industry calls for simplified process on critical functions
16 December 2014Insurance Europe warns against "disproportionate" guidance
Insurance Europe: volatility adjustment needs further assessment
08 December 2014Eiopa should assess measure's effectiveness during financial crisis
Eight years of low rates enough to topple insurers
01 December 2014Nearly one in four fall short of capital in stress scenario
Insurance Europe urges India to pass clean FDI bill
18 November 2014Comes amidst suggestions that reform could be watered down
Lobby group highlights differences between banking and insurance
07 November 2014Insurance Europe report aimed at policymakers
Internal model change rules are 'highly burdensome'
13 October 2014Concern over requirement to notify supervisors of parameter updates
Insurers criticise treatment of long-term investments
10 October 2014Further lobbying expected after adoption of delegated acts
Solvency II could hamper long-term investments
02 September 2014Insurance Europe highlights infrastructure threat
Reporting: How much more does the ECB want?
19 August 2014The European Central Bank is currently finalising a piece of statistical regulation addressed to insurers, after discussions with the industry ended in July. The requirements will be largely aligned with Solvency II, but in a few areas the bank wants more data, as Hugo Coelho explains