
  • Insurance Europe insists on cut in charges for long-term investments

    19 January 2015

    Delegated act was published on 17 January

  • Industry calls for simplified process on critical functions

    16 December 2014

    Insurance Europe warns against "disproportionate" guidance

  • Insurance Europe: volatility adjustment needs further assessment

    08 December 2014

    Eiopa should assess measure's effectiveness during financial crisis

  • Eight years of low rates enough to topple insurers

    01 December 2014

    Nearly one in four fall short of capital in stress scenario

  • Insurance Europe urges India to pass clean FDI bill

    18 November 2014

    Comes amidst suggestions that reform could be watered down

  • Lobby group highlights differences between banking and insurance

    07 November 2014

    Insurance Europe report aimed at policymakers

  • Internal model change rules are 'highly burdensome'

    13 October 2014

    Concern over requirement to notify supervisors of parameter updates

  • Insurers criticise treatment of long-term investments

    10 October 2014

    Further lobbying expected after adoption of delegated acts

  • Solvency II could hamper long-term investments

    02 September 2014

    Insurance Europe highlights infrastructure threat

  • Reporting: How much more does the ECB want?

    19 August 2014

    The European Central Bank is currently finalising a piece of statistical regulation addressed to insurers, after discussions with the industry ended in July. The requirements will be largely aligned with Solvency II, but in a few areas the bank wants more data, as Hugo Coelho explains