
  • Protests against FTT build up steam

    21 June 2013

    Europe's Financial Transaction Tax has now been adopted by 11 states. Many insurers argue that the tax will make running their businesses more difficult and costly -- to the detriment of their customers. With less than six months left until the official implementation date, Sarfraz Thind looks at whether the industry has time to make its voice heard

  • Industry digests impact of LTGA

    18 June 2013

    The insurance industry has had barely three days to consider the report from Eiopa on the long-term guarantees assessment, but it's long enough for experts to have identified several problems and for lobby group Insurance Europe to express its disappointment at the latest proposals on Solvency II. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Insurers poised for release of Solvency II long-term guarantees report

    14 June 2013

    Publication will restart trialogue negotiations

  • European insurers hold assets worth €8.5trn

    13 June 2013

    But long-term investing role is under threat, says Insurance Europe/Oliver Wyman report

  • Reinsurers propose change to Solvency II standard formula

    05 June 2013

    Insurance Europe offers alternative treatment of non-proportional reinsurance

  • Eiopa calls for stakeholder group members

    14 May 2013

    Applicants for re/insurance and pensions groups wanted by 23 June

  • EU to study impact of regulations on long-term financing

    25 March 2013

    Changes must not jeopardise insurers' ability to invest, Insurance Europe warns

  • Insurance Europe proposes Solvency II currency risk solution

    22 March 2013

    Federation says current standard formula approach is flawed

  • Skinner hopeful of Solvency II resolution next year

    20 March 2013

    Eiopa's interim measures must not trample over negotiations, says MEP

  • Insurance Europe opposes quantitative reporting in Solvency II interim measures

    12 March 2013

    EU federation asks regulators to await Omnibus II outcome