
  • Swedes stay home, claim less and buy pets, says Länsförsäkringar

    03 September 2020

    Swedish mutual's claims ratio falls while combined ratio turns profitable in H1

  • Sweden's Länsförsäkringar invests $2.2m in climate research

    06 November 2019

    The two projects will be conducted at Swedish universities

  • Länsförsäkringar criticises "sluggish" law-making to combat climate change

    17 June 2019

    Who pays to bolster Sweden's cities from natcats remains unclear, insurance giant argues

  • European mutuals trumpet business-boosting initiatives

    09 June 2017

    Project aims to promote mutuals and co-operative insurers, says Amice

  • The curious case of the Swedish curve

    10 March 2015

    Eiopa has cut of the convergence period for the Swedish risk-free rate curve to 10 years from 50, citing the particular characteristics of the bond market. The change will reduce interest rate sensitivity, but increase the risk that insurers under-reserve. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Insurers weigh up hedges against regulatory curve

    25 November 2014

    Early in November Eiopa unveiled the paper which determines the length and the method for extrapolation and sets the figures used to calculate the volatility adjustment. Finally insurers can roll out their hedging plans, as Hugo Coelho reports