Mutuals find a new path to share capital
09 July 2015The UK's mutual insurers are eagerly awaiting the outcome of negotiations on legislation that could help lead a revival of the sector. Asa Gibson reports
LV= swoops for Teachers Assurance
19 December 2014Mutual manages around £1bn in assets
S&P upgrades view on LV= risk management and liquidity
12 November 2014Affirms UK insurer's BBB+ credit rating
Insurers build parallel internal models to drive business
05 November 2014Regulatory constraints limiting usefulness of 'official' models
LV= highlights popularity of fixed term annuity
27 October 20142014 life sales up £100m
Bracing for the liquidity squeeze
16 September 2014The push by regulators for the central clearing of derivatives is a serious issue for life insurers that rely on swaps for duration matching. As Hugo Coelho explores, they could be vulnerable to cash collateral calls if interest rates spike
Zurich targets small pension funds with simplified longevity hedge
31 July 2014Hedging contract obviates need to exchange collateral
Technology Guide 2013-14: vendors react to Solvency II delays
29 October 2013Both users and vendors of risk management systems have faced difficult decisions as a result of the further delay in Solvency II implementation. We look at the opportunities and problems created by this and issues such as: do faster systems have to be more complex, as well as more expensive, and will vendors offer more transparency into their models?
LV= to grow actuarial team by 20%
28 August 2013Recruitment drive follows restructuring of life and general insurance teams
Data governance is vital focus for industry
15 May 2013London conference will address issues around data management and the demands of Solvency II