Pricing and reserving risks top CBI's agenda
26 February 2016Irish supervisor will also scrutinise group risks of subsidiaries under its remit
London court kills discussion on the "right" level of excess capital
18 January 2016Judge dismisses policyholder fears in Rothesay Life transfer case
Time to move forwards
Milliman's Neil Cantle explains how insurers have responded to Solvency II and how they can leverage their new skills to prosper in a fast-moving world
Solvency II fuels risk of model convergence
16 November 2015The demands of regulatory approval are creating a lack of diversity in insurance models and driving an increase in systemic risk, according to a joint industry and academic study. Sarfraz Thind reports
Not so much the 'own' risk and solvency assessment
05 November 2015From the size of the stresses to the maximum number of pages of the report, European regulators are becoming prescriptive about how insurers should go about developing ORSAs in preparation for Solvency II. Hugo Coelho reports
More than 170 delegates expected at Insurance Risk & Capital
13 October 2015Third edition of InsuranceERM's conference takes place in three weeks
PRA reaffirms restrictions on the recognition of deferred tax assets
10 August 2015Position unchanged, despite lobbying on the risk margin
IMIF releases guidance on adding value to model validation
12 May 2015Proposes control mechanism for Solvency II risk models
InsuranceERM's Most Influential 2015
16 April 2015The personalities shaping risk and capital management in Europe are revealed
Second-hand annuities to provide longevity hedge
16 March 2015Practical hurdles stand in the way of deep secondary annuity market