
  • With a watered-down NZIA, where do insurers' climate commitments stand?

    16 August 2023

    After six of the eight founding members left the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance, Joshua Geer investigates if their ambitions stand

  • Insurance legend Denis Kessler dead, aged 71

    09 June 2023

    Scor pays tribute to chairman who led the business since 2002

  • Laurent Rousseau becomes Guy Carpenter's CEO for EMEA

    07 June 2023
  • NZIA now 10 players down, as Lloyd's and QBE exit

    30 May 2023

    A total of 17 insurers remain in the alliance

  • François de Varenne becomes Scor's group CFO and deputy CEO

    30 May 2023

    He served as interim CEO from January to April this year

  • NZIA exodus continues as Allianz, Axa and Scor depart

    25 May 2023

    Seven members have now withdrawn from the coalition

  • Scor still an NZIA member but "regrets" recent departures

    12 May 2023

    Thierry Léger said the firm would disclose if its membership status changed

  • UK TV and film's Covid-19 insurance "a template for future market dislocation"

    18 April 2023

    Claims to the production restart scheme are expected to total £49.5m

  • Mental health underwriting steps out of the shadows

    17 April 2023

    The stigma of poor mental health has held back progress on developing appropriate insurance products, prompting underwriters to think hard about opening up the conversation and serving customers better. Paul Walsh reports

  • Scor predicts upper end of optimal solvency ratio under IFRS 17

    12 April 2023

    Interim CEO François de Varenne said the standard would provide "a new benchmark for the valuation of the group"