IASB staff propose 2023 deadline for IFRS 17
06 March 2020One year later than previous recommendation
WTW hints at IFRS 17 effective date, based on February decisions
28 February 2020Willis Towers Watson says redeliberations have resulted in minor changes to the accounting standard
The most dangerous risk for re/insurers in 2020
06 February 2020Climate change rises sharply in Willis Towers Watson's rankings
Capital models: run, review, repeat
15 January 2019Recent surveys by consultancies Willis Towers Watson and PwC have revealed how UK life insurers have revised their approach to capital modelling. Christopher Cundy reports on some of the highlights
Willis Towers Watson to launch IFRS 17 software in 2019
29 November 2018Regulatory and other reporting requirements are driving the pace of change, says the broker
Analysts welcome UK's move to improve solvency capital disclosure
27 September 2018PRA publishes template to aid insight into capital roll forward
WTW updates ResQ to prepare for IFRS 17
20 June 2018Reserving software promises improved automation, efficiency and usability
2018 "pivotal" to UK with-profits industry
12 January 2018Willis Towers Watson says simplifying products is high on providers' agenda
WTW launches Igloo 5 modelling software
29 November 2017First delivery of "next generation" capital modelling software
WTW launches SaaS platform for actuarial software
18 July 2017vPlace aimed at insurers struggling with legacy IT systems