
  • Insurers work with UN to protect World Heritage Sites

    21 January 2019

    The aim is to provide practical guidance to insurers

  • Aon commits to the UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance

    05 June 2018

    It is the first insurance broker to sign up to the principles

  • PSI plans climate guidelines for insurance regulators

    30 April 2018

    Principles for Sustainable Insurance initiative to imitate TCFD guidance

  • Africa pushing developments in sustainable insurance

    24 April 2018

    UN's Principles for Sustainable Insurance meeting helps set agenda

  • Insurers blacklist pirate fishing ships

    09 October 2017

    Movement is part of UN initiative on sustainable marine insurance

  • Climate change of +4°C would be "uninsurable", says Axa chairman

    30 October 2015

    Insurance industry has a 'triple role' in preventing drastic environmental damages