
  • Dave Snyder: We will advocate for a greater society-wide focus on loss prevention and mitigation

    26 December 2023

    Dave Snyder, vice president of policy, research and international for the American Property Casualty Insurance Association, discusses how artificial intelligence regulation has developed and how "political polarisation" has impacted firms

  • US FIO and NAIC fissures grow

    12 December 2023

    NAIC's "weak" criticisms of FIO data call rankles participants

  • Climate alliances crumbled by anti-woke politics

    01 May 2023

    The unravelling of the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance owes a lot to right-wing US politics, where ESG and climate action is seen as a threat to business, as Sarfraz Thind discovers

  • US insurers call on China to tear down discriminatory trade barriers

    12 October 2020

    APCIA demands strong enforcement so US insurers can carry business into offshore markets