
  • Japan steps forward with ICS-based capital framework

    20 July 2022

    Japan is midway through development of a new capital framework that takes its lead from the Insurance Capital Standard. This should make it a beacon for international prudential rules, as the FSA's Shigeru Ariizumi explains to Sarfraz Thind

  • ALM and capital management under Hong Kong's RBC

    07 July 2022

    Richard Chan, Hong Kong chief investment officer and Asia head of ALM at Axa, discusses Hong Kong's forthcoming risk-based capital regime and how insurers will respond

  • Hot property! Australia faces up to un-insurability threat

    13 May 2022

    Record costs of recurring natural catastrophes risk turning property re/insurance in Australia into a niche product for low-risk homes, finds David Walker

  • C-Ross Phase II: risk-based capital with social characteristics

    15 April 2022

    The overhaul of China's prudential rules has introduced adjustments that allow regulatory influence over how insurers underwrite and invest - with the objective of producing a social good, as David Walker reports

  • Reinsurance helps unlock the C-Ross puzzle

    28 March 2022

    As risk-based capital regimes such as China's C-Ross are implemented in Asia, insurers will be looking at options for capital management including reinsurance, as Hugo Choi explains to David Walker

  • Creating C-Ross

    15 March 2022

    DWS's Ellen Yang can fairly claim unique insight into the development of China's prudential regulation. She talks to David Walker about her involvement and the impact of the Phase II rules

  • S&P's capital model review: this could hurt

    23 February 2022

    The rating agency's review of its capital methodology could leave insurers facing the prospect of rating changes and possible capital raising pressure, as Sarfraz Thind reports

  • InsuranceERM's top stories of the year

    31 December 2021

    Christopher Cundy, Ronan McCaughey, Sarfraz Thind and Paul Walsh reveal the most-read stories that ran in 2021 and discuss why they will remain relevant in 2022

  • Apac re/insurers welcome the alternative

    29 December 2021

    Regulators in Asia have been busy creating frameworks for insurers to transfer risk to capital markets investors. Re/insurers are keen to tap this alternative source of capital, if the structures are right. David Walker reports

  • Riding the inflation wave

    24 November 2021

    Inflation has been rising throughout 2021 driven by the economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, surging energy prices and global supply chain disruption. Ronan McCaughey asks how insurers are dealing with the risk