US on countdown for 'right size' reserves reform
24 March 2016At least 10 insurers are participating in a pilot programme on principles-based reserving, as the regulation edges closer to a 2017 launch
Eiopa's Bernardino: We will see if a countercyclical requirement makes sense for insurers
17 March 2016In the second part of an interview with Hugo Coelho, the Eiopa chairman responds to the ESRB report and sets expectations about the looming reviews of Solvency II
Eiopa's Bernardino: "Supervisors shouldn't kick the can down the road on low rates"
10 March 2016The chairman of Europe's insurance authority lifts the veil on this year's stress test and discusses with Hugo Coelho the limitations to consistent implementation of Solvency II
Are Belgian life insurance lapses lethal?
03 March 2016EU regulators have warned that surrenders are creating liquidity risk for the Belgian life insurance sector, but is there more to the scary headline figures? Hugo Coelho reports
PRA handcuffed by equivalence in brexit scenario
01 March 2016Third-country status could cost UK insurers, Asa Gibson reports
"No one likes volatility - it is a natural reaction"
25 February 2016Doug Caldwell, chief risk officer of NN Group, tells Hugo Coelho about the capital management under the evolving Solvency II framework
Risk qualifications stir up debate on CRO's role
23 February 2016Attempts to professionalise risk management through certification schemes have reopened discussions about the evolving role of the chief risk officer. Asa Gibson reports
The Solvency II reform wish list
18 February 2016How should the EU regulation be changed to encourage economic growth, remove unnecessary burdens, inconsistencies and unintended consequences? InsuranceERM analyses the responses to the Commission's call for evidence
Germany hits the brakes on its €32bn ZZR
04 February 2016The ballooning level of additional interest rate reserves has prompted reforms to the rules, but few insurers took advantage in 2015. Hugo Coelho reports
Climate change and geo-economics: the global risks demanding ERM focus
26 January 2016The latest World Economic Forum risks report provides useful indicators for CROs about the changing risk landscape. Asa Gibson reports