
  • Getting women on board

    16 January 2014

    The insurance business has a lack of women in senior leadership roles. Jamie Bullen talks to several high flying women to find out what more can be done, the importance of networking and whether quotas should be introduced

  • Towers Watson's Tricia Guinn: "The insurance industry is becoming increasingly analytical"

    27 November 2013

    Towers Watson's decision to sell its reinsurance brokerage is part of a strategy to capitalise on the increasingly analytical and technical nature of the insurance industry, risk and financial services managing director Tricia Guinn tells Lorna Davies.

  • Jobs for actuaries still influenced by Solvency II

    25 September 2013

    Preparations for Solvency II sparked a huge recruitment drive for actuaries. But with the momentum gone and work nearing completion in many firms, how is the jobs market changing? Katie Kouchakji reports

  • Managing risk through a corporate acquisition spree

    23 August 2013

    As CRO of Australia's QBE, George Thwaites has extensive experience in this area - first when the firm's takeovers were at their height and now as a tough restructuring programme and strategic rethink are being implemented. He tells Christopher Cundy about the systems and cultural challenges involved

  • Solvency II should go global, says the PRA's Kathryn Morgan

    13 August 2013

    Kathryn Morgan of the UK's Prudential Regulation Authority is such a big fan of Solvency II that she would roll it out across the globe if she could. She also uses an ORSA in her personal life. She explains her enthusiasm for the planned regime in this interview with InsuranceERM

  • Actuaries' varying roles highlighted by Fulcher careers

    28 May 2013

    Paul and Graham Fulcher between them have worked in life, general insurance, reinsurance and investment banking firms, evidence of the transferability of actuarial skills, as well as different career paths. But neither of the twins is a fan of Solvency II, as Chris Cundy finds out

  • Bermuda pressing on regardless of Solvency II

    15 May 2013

    Bermuda's efforts to improve its supervision of insurance companies have suffered few setbacks, unlike in Europe. Craig Swan, managing director of supervision at the Bermuda Monetary Authority, tells Lorna Davies how the country will this year introduce new rules for captives, group capital requirements and internal models

  • Scor's Philippe Trainar: "implement Solvency II now, update later"

    08 May 2013

    Eiopa's Solvency II preparation guidelines envisage implementing some elements of the legislation before others – a move, says Scor chief risk officer Philippe Trainar, that will undermine its effectiveness and add to the burden on insurers. He talks to Lorna Davies

  • Eqecat's Paul Little: client expectations are rising

    09 April 2013

    Paul Little says his promotion to president of catastrophe modelling firm Eqecat was unexpected, but his experience in the sales side of the business, as well as 25 years in reinsurance broking, stand him in good stead to take the helm and focus on efforts to be "at the forefront of transparency," he tells Lorna Davies

  • Ageas's van Grimbergen: Matching adjustment is crucial for us

    15 March 2013

    Solvency II's long-term guarantees package has the future of the life insurance industry in its hands, says Emmanuel van Grimbergen, group risk officer of Ageas. He talks to Lorna Davies about his concerns, as well as his doubts about Eiopa's 'interim measures'