
  • CRO in focus: Hanna Kam

    12 December 2023

    Antony Williams, director at Arthur, talks to Hanna Kam, the former group chief risk officer (CRO) at Hiscox and a qualified actuary with over 25 years' experience in the general insurance industry in Australia, the UK and Europe

  • NewRe's CRO Christian Dahmen strikes the right chord

    28 November 2023

    The risk expert at Swiss reinsurer NewRe has an eclectic conversation with Ronan McCaughey about geopolitical risk, qualitative risk management, artificial intelligence and effective leadership

  • NN Japan's CRO on his AI adventure

    20 November 2023

    Herman Gayle has a particular passion for AI, which he has been pushing to develop since he joined the firm five years ago. Such is his enthusiasm that he even arranges his holidays with it. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • IAIS 2023: Ariizumi and Saporta talk ICS, AI and climate

    14 November 2023

    The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) has seen a change at the top with Japan's Shigeru Ariizumi replacing Vicky Saporta as executive committee chair. The two gave an interview to Sarfraz Thind at the organisation's annual conference in Tokyo

  • Climate and sustainability rising star of the year award: Rebecca Lea

    10 November 2023

    Paul Walsh speaks to the ABI's senior policy adviser about her leadership on the climate agenda and the broadening scope of sustainability

  • Climate and sustainability champion of the year: Highly Commended, Ben Howarth, ABI

    09 November 2023

    Paul Walsh interviews Ben Howarth, chief sustainability officer at the Association of British Insurers, about shaping the UK's approach to sustainability and maintaining momentum on climate action

  • Climate and sustainability champion of the year: Alex Hindson, Crowe UK

    08 November 2023

    Joshua Geer interviews Alex Hindson about the current state of climate and sustainability in the insurance industry, and what firms should be doing to prepare

  • Transparency with teeth: UK regulator explains expectations on D&I

    11 October 2023

    The Financial Conduct Authority's Alicia Kedzierski justified the non-prescriptive and disclosure-based approach to improving diversity and inclusion, at yesterday's ABI event. Joshua Geer reports

  • Dive In 2023: Improving DEI will be key to making the industry more attractive to talent

    25 September 2023

    Lloyd's of London's head of culture Mark Lomas talks to Paul Walsh about the importance of the Dive In festival, designed to promote diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the insurance industry

  • Why insurers do ERM

    20 September 2023

    What objectives do insurers have when they establish their enterprise risk management programmes? Dave Ingram polled the industry and shares his results