
  • National regulators at odds over Solvency II volatility adjustment

    22 January 2015

    InsuranceERM's survey highlights inconsistency in how regulators plan to implement key tool of the long-term guarantee package.

  • Danish regulators flesh out prudent person principle

    20 January 2015

    The Danish insurance supervisor, regarded as one of the leaders of the Solvency II pack, has voiced its concern over the industry's growing exposure to alternative asset classes. Hugo Coelho explores.

  • Swedish insurers stressed out by Eiopa's tests

    16 January 2015

    Swedish insurers fared badly in the stress tests conducted by Eiopa, proving to be the most vulnerable to a Japanese scenario. Hugo Coelho asks Finansinspektionen's Per Griberg to explain

  • Working with multiple models

    13 January 2015

    The rise of multiple models with different approaches to quantifying risk under Solvency II means that insurers need to be fully aware of their various strengths and weaknesses, as Andrew Cox and Niall Clifford explain

  • Mexican insurers in the regulatory limelight

    08 January 2015

    As one of the international forerunners in adopting a risk-sensitive solvency regime, says Hugo Coelho, commentators are asking what effect new regulation will have on smaller players in the Mexican insurance market

  • A fragile recovery?

    23 December 2014

    Genworth's announcement of a $600m charge related to its long-term care book has once again drawn attention to the sustainability of this market. Yet a closer look reveals a revised product which offers enticing possibilities for insurers, as Marcus Alcock discovers

  • Taking the risk pulse of insurance

    18 December 2014

    The implementation challenges of Pillar 3, the possibilities of a market-led alternative modelling platform and a better understanding of risk culture are just some of the topics that Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group's Martin Burke shares with Marcus Alcock

  • French health mutuals show fraternité in pillar 3 solution

    16 December 2014

    When an entire sector faces the same issues in complying with Solvency II, collaboration seems a sensible response. France's association of health mutuals has done just that by developing pillar 3 software for its members. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Weighing up the capital charges for assets under Solvency II

    04 December 2014

    Gareth Mee runs through the capital charges that will apply to assets commonly held by insurers and explains where internal models could bring a better or worse treatment than the standard formula

  • France takes another Solvency II test

    27 November 2014

    There has been much talk about the challenges of preparing for Solvency II, but only insurers in France can claim to have had anything like a real test. Romain Paserot at French regulator ACPR shares his view of progress with Christopher Cundy