Lloyd's Solvency II 'soft landing' is ICAS+ and a little bit more
22 March 2013Lloyd's of London has been in the vanguard of regulators when it comes to Solvency II preparations, sticking to a strict timetable with little leeway. It's now relaxed its plans after numerous delays to the directive, but is still forging ahead of the regulators. Lorna Davies reports
Ageas's van Grimbergen: Matching adjustment is crucial for us
15 March 2013Solvency II's long-term guarantees package has the future of the life insurance industry in its hands, says Emmanuel van Grimbergen, group risk officer of Ageas. He talks to Lorna Davies about his concerns, as well as his doubts about Eiopa's 'interim measures'
Avoiding the Solvency II train wreck
07 March 2013Not so long ago Solvency II was hailed as the emerging 'gold standard' for setting insurance firms' regulatory capital – but it now bears a closer resemblance to a slow-motion train wreck, says John Hibbert. He identifies the causes of the crisis and speculates on what might be done to avoid repeating the same errors elsewhere.
Insurance enterprise risk managment: the state it's in
14 February 2013Insurers' satisfaction with ERM grows, but plans for using economic capital stall - these are among the seven key findings from Towers Watson's recent worldwide survey. Christopher Cundy asks Laura Santori and Martin Pike to explain
Solvency II: who's ready to comply?
12 February 2013As regulators plan to introduce elements of pillars 2 and 3 from 1 January 2014, InsuranceERM takes a tour of the major European countries to see how prepared they are – and where they may have problems complying
Brazil's insurers see benefits of ERM
05 February 2013Enterprise risk management could help insurers in Brazil as they strive for increased capital efficiency in a climate of decreasing returns from financial assets, higher regulatory, risk-based, capital requirements and growing competition. Nuno Vieira explains
Manulife's Rahim Hirji: shifting from hedging to growth
23 January 2013Risk management is no longer about policing an insurance company, says Rahim Hirji, chief risk officer at Canada's Manulife Financial. He talks to Lorna Davies about changing regulations, market concerns and the development of the CRO
Capital add-ons are here to stay, says IAIS's Kawai
15 January 2013Yoshihiro Kawai heads the International Association of Insurance Supervisors, the body responsible for contentious plans to oversee global insurance companies. He talks to Christopher Cundy about consensus and convergence
2013: the ERM challenges ahead
08 January 2013Leading consultants and CROs say getting the most out of Solvency II implementation will be a big challenge for 2013, but other aspects of ERM will reappear on the agenda, as will the necessity of keeping ERM at the heart of business. Here is a compilation of responses to the questions InsuranceERM asked experts just before Christmas
Dodd-Frank stirs federal action on insurance regulation
03 January 2013As speculation mounts that the Federal Insurance Office will soon release its report on modernising insurance regulation, Gloria Gonzalez investigates how it and the other corollaries of the Dodd-Frank reforms could redraw the US regulatory regime