NN's Jan-Hendrik Erasmus: "the key issue is how to embrace technology"
26 October 2017NN Group's chief risk officer discusses with David Walker how the Dutch insurer is positioned for M&A, why Solvency II does not need to change, longevity risk hedging and today's technology and cyber challenges
Hurricane loss estimates: clawing for credibility
24 October 2017Cat modellers' loss estimates following this year's major hurricanes were surprisingly far apart. Christopher Cundy asks if the sector is doing the right thing
Innovative risk modelling key to tackling emerging technology risks
17 October 2017The World Economic Forum has called for urgent innovation in risk modelling and said rapid global collaboration is crucial to dealing with the risks from new technology. David Walker reports
Where next for economic scenario generators?
14 September 2017Insurers have for decades relied on economic scenario generators (ESGs) in their risk modelling, asset management and business steering. Christopher Cundy investigates what the next big developments might be in this important piece of modelling software
The biggest barrier to actuarial system improvement is... actuaries?
27 July 2017As insurers prepare for another round of system adaptation and process review with the introduction of IFRS 17, Andries Beukes shares his experience in modernising actuarial systems and discusses what role actuaries have in the success – and failure – of transformation projects
Sourcing data for cyber risk management
19 April 2017Insurers crave data to better write cyber risk policies and understand their risk accumulation, but getting hold of it is a tough assignment. Cintia Cheong reports
View from the Top: The CRO and risk team of the future
04 April 2017The skills of an effective risk function have evolved over the past decades due to regulatory change and financial innovation. Looking forward, the role of risk once again sits on the brink of uncertain development driven not only by regulatory change but also the threat of digital disruption, as Tom Wilson explains
Yes, no, maybe: the PRA responds to industry's Solvency II reform agenda
17 March 2017The UK regulator has made a point-by-point reply to the Association of British Insurers' agenda for Solvency II reforms and confirmed its priority to review the reporting requirements. Christopher Cundy reports
Deferred tax continues to complicate SII ratios
09 March 2017Changing requirements from regulators over the loss absorbing-capacity of deferred tax means insurers' Solvency II capital will remain at the mercy of this complex, opaque and inconsistent factor
Insurers still struggling with cyber risk management
07 March 2017Last year's attack on DNS provider Dyn and a warning from the UK regulator on the aggregation of cyber risks have had a big influence on the way insurers are thinking about cyber risk modelling and management. Callum Tanner reports from the Advisen cyber risk conference in London