New Zealand proposes additional solvency capital buffer
27 July 2021Interim insurance solvency standard to take effect in 2022 to reflect IFRS 17
Canadian actuaries to use Fiera Capital for IFRS 17 discount rates
21 July 2021CIA expands partnership with asset manager that also produces discount rate curves for pensions
CROs likely to become risk and sustainability officers
21 July 2021ROSF panellists discuss different approaches to sustainability strategies
Shareholders' association slams UK's IFRS 17 discount rate paper
16 July 2021UK Endorsement Board due to debate topic on 20 July
Make the PRA responsible for actuarial regulation, say shareholder groups
07 July 2021The organisations were responding to a government consultation, which is causing concern
Fears grow over impact of actuarial regulation overhaul
06 July 2021Hymans Robertson and Mazars explain why they back the IFoA's stance
IFoA pushes back on proposed UK actuarial regulation revamp
02 July 2021The actuaries' professional body questioned how the changes would be implemented
Portugal to consult on IFRS 17 reporting templates in 2021
02 July 2021Regulator updates accounting standard's implementation timeline
Unfair consumer pricing could land actuaries in hot water
22 June 2021IFoA reviews home and motor insurance pricing practices
Rising interest rates hit South Korean insurers' capital ratios
18 June 2021The sector was also affected by higher capital requirements