
  • Australian insurers declare catastrophe following cyclone Marcia

    20 February 2015

    Country also hit by cyclone Lam

  • Aegon withholds capital in anticipation of Solvency II

    19 February 2015

    US equivalence and impact of matching and volatility adjusters blamed for guarded stance

  • Nat cat property losses are spawning casualty claims

    16 February 2015

    Swiss Re paper suggests growing link

  • US regulators increase transparency for designation of systemic insurers

    06 February 2015

    Reforms enable AIG, Prudential and MetLife to engage in annual re-evaluations of Sifi status

  • Expect cat bonds to cover more perils, longer durations

    04 February 2015

    Pricing to come under further pressure in 2015, says Guy Carpenter

  • ImageCat launches flood maps for emerging markets

    03 February 2015

    Will help insurers to model flood exposures

  • NAIC creates international regulation role

    22 January 2015

    Urias heaped with new responsibilities

  • Geopolitical risks shoot up global risk rankings

    15 January 2015

    Interstate conflict is most likely risk, says WEF

  • Cyber now a top five threat says Allianz

    14 January 2015

    Releases fourth annual risk management survey

  • Obama signs terrorism insurance bill into law

    13 January 2015

    TRIA extended until 2020