Compelling case for ComFrame 'missing'
16 May 2014But most insurers welcome the initiative, says KPMG
Strong data culture is key to ensuring quality
16 May 2014Issues discussed at Data for ERM & Solvency II conference
RGA takes on £1bn of Royal London's longevity risk
14 May 2014Relates to annuity policies arising from Co-op acquisition
Allianz's solvency ratio drops as trialogue rules adopted
14 May 2014Adding sovereign bond risk charge has 15-percentage point impact
Infrastructure insurer downgraded following Sandy woes
12 May 2014A.M. Best says Infrassure has weak risk management
Low investment returns challenge Munich Re profit target
09 May 2014Warning of more pressure in reinsurance
JBA completes global flood model, pioneers wave overtopping
09 May 2014Global model means better consistency, says cat model developer
Free Solvency II SCR and data checker released
08 May 2014Provides starter solution or quality check on SII standard formula tools and processes
Factor climate change into models, urges Lloyd's
08 May 2014Insurers may need to hold more capital
Swiss Re appoints former regulator as CRO
07 May 2014Patrick Raaflaub was CEO of Finma