
  • Australian regulator sees room for improvement in first ORSA submissions

    06 June 2013

    But industry generally does a "good job" on Lagic implementation

  • Operational risk database draws insurers' interest

    29 May 2013

    Two big insurers sign up for OpBase; others interested, says Aon

  • Allianz cat bond covers North American storms and quakes

    24 May 2013

    Blue Danube II issue raised from $150m $175m

  • Half of IMAP firms opt for ICAS+

    24 May 2013

    PRA's Adams admits big uncertainty over SII timetable and final shape

  • PRA to trial EWIs from September

    24 May 2013

    Will use ratio between SCR and pMCR for all IM firms except with-profits

  • Solvency II for pensions off the table

    24 May 2013

    European Commission postpones quantitative rules for IORPs

  • PRA requests data to shape IMAP and EWIs

    23 May 2013

    Firms will receive requests on 31 May

  • Lloyd's on track for model validation

    22 May 2013

    But communication and operations need improving

  • PRA outlines three-act data review process for SII

    21 May 2013

    Guidance on data is "very thin", Dean Buckner says at IERM conference

  • Cat bonds move from "sideshow to main tent"

    20 May 2013

    Issuance totalled $1.6bn in Q1 2013, says WCMA