PRA risks EU court challenge over early warning indicators
30 April 2013But regulator is doing the right thing, says Eversheds
Conning and Ramius pair up to provide hedge fund strategies for insurers
30 April 2013Hedge fund strategies may enhance risk-adjusted return, say pair
TCIP boosts cat bond market with $400m deal
29 April 2013Ninth cat bond in 2013
Turkish insurers must adapt to new risks
29 April 2013Construction industry is driving economy
Guernsey captives "thriving" after Solvency II opt out
25 April 2013Decision provided "new form of clarity" says Timetric
FIO consults on nat cat insurance
25 April 2013US insurance office head calls for information from the industry as part of 2012 flood act
Hannover Re strikes two UK longevity deals totalling £1bn
24 April 2013Assumes risks from Abbey Life and Rothesay Life
North American insurers slow to improve strategic risk management
22 April 2013S&P's update of ERM analysis shows slight development in control processes
Regulatory change in Asia Pacific presents "big opportunity"
19 April 2013Insurers must engage management and the board, says KPMG
Cat bond returns have doubled over 12 months
18 April 2013Slow start to first quarter but activity picked up in February, says Aon Benfield