The financial crisis is still the biggest ERM challenge
21 December 2012Persistently low interest rates continue to pose problems, says Munich Re's Jürgen Dümont
Early pillar 3 reporting would be unnecessary burden
21 December 2012ABI urges practical solution to Solvency II implementation
Gjensidige chooses RiskIntegrity
20 December 2012Leading Norwegian insurer licenses Moody's Analytics' software
Focus on the risks and issues that ERM misses
20 December 2012A good track record of addressing strategic risks will build ERM's value into the heart of business, says Hiscox CRO
Solvency II pillars 2 and 3 will be implemented by 2014, says Eiopa
20 December 2012Eiopa will publish guidelines for supervisors
Long-term guarantee assessment to launch on 28 January
19 December 2012Results end of March and Eiopa report in June
Survey confirms Solvency II cut back
17 December 2012Most UK insurers believe it will be implemented in 2016
French want Solvency II pillar 2 and 3 early
17 December 2012"No harm" in implementing SII in phases, says ACP