PRA eyes mid-November for final package of Solvency UK rules - UPDATED
23 September 2024Regulator has been implementing its review in phases
Draghi advises EU to revisit Solvency II capital charges as part of competitiveness plan
09 September 2024EU requires surge in investment to close technology gap
Eiopa chair: growing reinsurance market prompting concerns on non-EU reliance
09 September 2024Petra Hielkema also discussed issues with mass lapse and asset-intensive reinsurance
Direct Line admits solvency capital ratio miscalculation
27 August 2024The UK insurer found the mistake while preparing its H1 2024 results
Eiopa consults on Solvency II proportionality rules
05 August 2024Authority expands on conditions for granting proportionality, following review of directive
Eiopa consults on standard formula charge for direct CCP exposures
31 July 2024European authority suggests lowering capital requirements for central counterparty risk
German insurers dispute natcat recalibrations in Solvency II standard formula
24 July 2024Trade association GDV gives feedback on Eiopa's proposals
Public disclosure is the biggest change for the UK's life insurance stress tests - UPDATED
12 July 2024But reporting will not be timely and may not provide a full picture of insurers' resilience, consultants warn
UK's life insurance stress test targets 11 bulk annuity providers
10 July 2024Prudential Regulation Authority consults on tests to be launched in 2025
UK matching adjustment benefit rises to £78bn
09 July 2024More business for bulk annuity insurers, as interest rates dip