
  • IERM Comment: Capital constraints

    18 September 2014

    Abundant capital will not necessarily give re/insurers the freedom to do what they want in 2015

  • Data crunching

    18 September 2014

    The proliferation of so-called 'Big data' as a result of the growth of the internet and the advance of tracking technologies offers great potential for the insurance market, but is not without its challenges, as Marcus Alcock found at the Monte Carlo Rendez Vous

  • HK unveils bare bones of Solvency II-type regime

    18 September 2014

    Framework does not imply a need to increase capital, says regulator

  • Insurers reluctant about releasing early Solvency II figures

    18 September 2014

    Lack of clarity on internal model approval blamed says KPMG

  • FSB presses on with insurance resolution

    18 September 2014

    Global standards consultation paper to be published in October

  • RMS slows roll-out of RMS(one)

    17 September 2014

    $8m extra operating costs from revised schedule

  • House of Representatives passes Dodd-Frank insurance fix

    17 September 2014

    Fed to get flexibility to write separate capital standards for systemic insurers

  • Montpelier Re CRO champions in-house analytics

    17 September 2014

    Gero Michel says function of CRO must broaden

  • Google "should not become an insurer"

    16 September 2014

    Swiss Re suggests data analysis partnership the best route

  • Business interruption market should look to parametric triggers

    16 September 2014

    Wide gaps still exist for European cat risks