Indian insurers need capital injection of over $8bn
09 October 2014Regulator admits foreign investment could help plug the gap
Roff heads to Grant Thornton
09 October 2014Former EEA actuarial head of EEA at KPMG
US insurers should not fear interest rate spike
08 October 2014CreditSights gauges sector exposure as QE ends
Insurance Europe preps new parliament on regulation v growth
08 October 2014Lays out main issues for insurers
Innovation to drive UK annuity market
08 October 2014ATM withdrawals possible says EY
Allied World makes foray into real estate sector
08 October 2014Buys stake in private-equity firm Blue Vista
Stihler appointed Solvency II rapporteur
07 October 2014Parliamentary group meets next week to discuss delegated acts
Michael Renz to chair AAE
07 October 2014Succeeds Malcom Campbell as chairman of European actuaries group
RSA names next group CRO
07 October 2014William McDonnell to replace David Weymouth
US federal regulators review process for designating systemic insurers
07 October 2014Minutes of closed-door vote show divisions over MetLife