BNP Paribas hires Aon exec to grow UK custody business
13 March 2014Felix Schachter to head insurance company sales
Understanding Solvency II's new transitional measures
13 March 2014Solvency II may have an official implementation date of 1 January 2016, but insurers are being given years to get their house in order. Alison Matthews outlines the key transitional provisions recently introduced to the legislation, focusing on the tricky question of equivalence
Prudential starts reporting capital on Solvency II basis
12 March 2014Solvency II coverage ratio of 257% slightly less than IGD ratio of 280%
Balbinot: Solvency II's delegated acts "deviate from intentions"
12 March 2014Draft acts are not what legislators intended, says Insurance Europe president
Prudential returns to bulk annuity market with £100m buy-in
11 March 2014Deal covers 70% of Church Workers Pension Fund's members
Solvency II equivalence rules seen as "provocation" by US reinsurers
11 March 2014US reinsurers may be disadvantaged compared with European peers
European Parliament approves Omnibus II
11 March 2014MEPs warn that delegated acts need close attention
RSA appoints new Irish chief
10 March 2014Former Irish CEO Philip Smith resigned claiming he was a "fall guy"
Restricting access to health data creates competition issue
07 March 2014Changing rules on access to UK national health data may have consequences for actuarial research and could make it harder to develop new products - and for new entrants to break into life insurance markets. Christopher Cundy reports
Rothesay Life completes £123m pension buy-in
07 March 2014First deal since acquisition of MetLife's £3bn UK bulk annuity portfolio