InsuranceERM's Winter 2023 issue

InsuranceERM's Winter 2023 issue is available to download. Highlights from this quarter's issue include:

  • Read about the winners of our inaugural Climate Risk & Sustainability Awards
  • The IAIS's Vicky Saporta and Shigeru Ariizumi talk ICS, AI and climate
  • Cyber risk's fundamental mischaracterisation as an insurance risk
  • How US insurers are responding to social inflation pressures
  • The planned reforms to the Solvency UK matching adjustment
  • Herman Gayle, NN Japan's CRO, discusses AI use and risk management
  • An interview with Lloyd's of London's head of culture Mark Lomas about promoting DE&I
  • Ralf Korn and Gerhard Stahl discuss their novel investigation into the quality of Solvency II capital models and reveal a simple method for challenging model complexity
  • Singapore regulator Daniel Wang talks about tackling global risks and how the country is leveraging its climate expertise