David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Japanese firms reveal progress on anti-price collusion measures

    17 June 2024

    Tokio Marine is compelling its salespeople to reflect on "uncomfortable" policies

  • Australian non-life reinsurance costs rise 44% in seven years, S&P Global finds

    17 June 2024

    Premium growth outstripped reinsurance hikes over period

  • Resolution Life investment paying off in Nippon Life's foreign expansion

    13 June 2024

    Japanese group planning more overseas M&A

  • India's regulator cleans up loss assessor selection process

    12 June 2024
  • Europe's insurance premiums top €3trn in 2023

    11 June 2024

    Eiopa figures reveal a 3.1% expansion in GWP since 20220*

  • Southern German floods likely to cost insurers €2bn, says GDV

    10 June 2024

    June inundations in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg bring major losses

  • Eiopa reveals near-€500bn growth in industry eligible own funds under Solvency II

    07 June 2024

    Rate of growth is almost double expansion of capital requirement since Q3 2016

  • Geneva Association appoints Lee Yuan Siong as chair

    07 June 2024
  • Fitch predicts robust credit fundamentals and less rates risk for Japan's life sector

    06 June 2024

    Insurers will also keep expanding overseas to boost earnings, ratings agency expects

  • Irdai forces India's health insurers to improve terms of insurance

    03 June 2024