Sarfraz Thind

Articles by Sarfraz Thind

  • Top technology tools for actuaries

    23 April 2019

    The actuarial world may sometimes be perceived as a stolid profession, but the development and integration of new technologies means the sector is moving apace. A survey by the US Society of Actuaries highlights the key technology trends in the business. Sarfraz Thind explains

  • Technology risks leaving actuaries 'out of sync' with data scientists

    12 April 2019

    SOA survey in US unveils top actuarial technologies and trends

  • EU-US Covered Agreement hits brick wall

    10 April 2019

    US authorities set “aggressive” June deadline to approve model law draft

  • NAIC's significant concerns over IAIS systemic risk proposals

    09 April 2019

    President Cioppa says the NAIC will not adopt any international standard that does not 'add value' to US regulation

  • Four accused of bribing North Carolina insurance commissioner

    08 April 2019

    The indictment alleges the defendants offered hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions

  • Climate change now top risk for insurers

    05 April 2019

    Financial volatility also re-enters top five emerging risks

  • US flood insurance: new model, new hope?

    04 April 2019

    The federal flood insurance system has been setting milestones in mismanagement since it was introduced in 1968. Will a new risk model and other guidance improve the situation, and allow private insurers to participate? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • US watchdog highlights cost inefficiencies of NFIP

    28 March 2019

    GAO report details broader shortcomings of US government insurance programmes

  • Centene and WellCare in $15bn US health insurer tie-up

    27 March 2019

    Deal announced as Obamacare battle heats up once more

  • Marsh launches cybersecurity assessment tool with eight insurers

    27 March 2019

    Cyber Catalyst sees insurers pick out best cyber risk products, could reduce premiums