Enterprise Risk Management Technology Guide 2024/25

Milliman - Nodal Claims Triage

Type of System

  • Analytics

Type of platform

  • Cloud
  • SaaS

What are the typical implementation costs?

 5%-10% of the annual subscription.

How long does your software take to implement on site?

Nodal is a fully managed software-as-a-service solution. There is no need for your IT staff to install or manage software. We assemble data from unstructured sources, build predictive models using cutting-edge machine learning techniques, and implement with experienced claims consultants to ensure successful implementation and maximise ROI.

Most recent significant update:

A complete redesign of the user interface. Now, its more user friendly and can access reports readily.

Planned future enhancements:

We continue to add predictive models for new lines of business. (Workers Comp, Auto Liability, General Liability, Asbestos, Ect).

How does your solution integrate with third-party systems or in-house systems?

There are no integrations at this point. Our clients do a data dump into our system each night. We provide dashboards and email notifications.

What is the key attribute of your product(s) that differentiates it from your competitors?

Nodal® Claims Triage helps insurers and large employers reduce claims severity by enabling them to identify problematic claims early and apply cost-mitigation strategies when they are most effective. Using a wide variety of structured and unstructured data, our predictive models help you triage claims and monitor results post-implementation. Allocate resources efficiently, identify the likelihood of litigation, estimate how long the claim will stay open, and more.

Our analytics combined with industry expertise sets us apart from our competitors.

What trends are you seeing in terms of customer demand?

We are seeing an uptick in demand. Rising medical, indemnity, and legal costs make it critical to identify and manage high-cost claims as early as possible. At the same time, the claims adjustment workforce is losing large numbers of experienced workers to retirement. Insurers need a way to improve claims triage and the employee experience while bridging the knowledge gap.


Nodal Claims Triage: Optimise claims performance, identify at-risk claims, and reduce cost


Name: Michael Paczolt

Tel: +1 312 499 5720

Email: [email protected]